StemCell Nutrition Consultant

StemCell Nutrition Consultant
Showing posts with label stem cell nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stem cell nutrition. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

 Miracle Cure of any Disease !

Dr.Shebendra karmakar
Doctorate & Ph.D in Natural Medicine

Stem cell is an amazing word in medical science. Every living subjects (plant & animal) comprises of cell. Cell is a tiny life. Human body comprises 100 trillion cells. So our body is an unit of 100 trillion life.
It is miracle evidence of nature. All 100 trillion cells have developed from one cell. This origin of cell name is “Blastocyst’.

Blastocyst is formed from two different cells. One is egg cell & another is sperm cell. Two cells unite & form Blastocyst into the womb.
After forming Blastocyst into the womb. Its division is going on by maintaining a fixed protocol. Gradually this cell expresses its blueprint. Blastocyst a single cell develops into full human body & delivers from womb to the Earth. This human body alives above 100 years , later dies.
How does the body alive 100 years? What do biological mechanisms work behind the regeneration till the death? The unique answer is the ‘Stem cell’ of the body.

This is a type of cell exist throughout the body such as brain, bone, bone marrow, blood, blood vessel, skin,   liver etc.They remain in a non-dividing state for  years until activated by disease or tissue injury. Stem cell can divide or self renewal indefinitely enabling them   to generate a range of cell types from the originating organ or even regenerates the entire original organ.

We mentioned before all cells are active life. So Stem cells are also life. Every life needs food. Cells food is called Nutrition .Without nutrition cell can not survive. Biological life of cell is conducted by fixed required ‘Nutrition’.Fixed required nutrition for cells are (1) Amino Acid (2) Fatty Acid (3) Glucose (4) Vitamins (5) Minerals & (6) Water.

Amino Acid derived from Protein. It comes from Plant & Animal.
Fatty Acid derived from Fat & Oil. It comes from Plant &Animal.
Glucose derived from Carbohydrate. It comes from Plant & Animal.
Vitamins & Mineral come from plants & animal &Water the main part of all plants & Animals & also highest matter of the Earth.

All the nutrients are synthesized by Plants. Only plants know the formulas how to synthesis Amino Acid, Glucose, Fatty Acid, Vitamins, Minerals. Our body cells produce 1 lac 40 thousand protein by using Amino Acid. Insuline, Albumin, Thyroxin, Heamoglobin, Globuline are Varieties of protein .All proteins comprises of Amino Acid. Insulin comprises of 51 Amino acids. Beta cells of pancreas produce it continually. Albumin comprises of 610 amino acids. Hepatocytes (Liver) produce it continuously .Bone marrow cells produce Hemoglobin need 287 amino acids. Globulins are another important protein produced by B-cell. This protein is called Antibody. B-cell produces antibody continuously against ‘Toxin’ like as Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, Protozoa, Metazoa & Cancer cell & kill them instantly.
Hemoglobin is another protein which carries Oxygen throughout the body cells & returns back carbon di oxid from the cell & excrete it by the lung.
So all the protein are made by the amino acid. Amino acid is synthesized by plant. So deficiency of amino acid   is caused many death diseases.

Body cells produce 65 types of Hormone. Some hormones comprise of Fatty acid & some are Amino acid. All sexual hormones are synthesized by Fatty acids. All pituitary hormones are synthesized by Amino acid. Growth hormone is single polypeptide, containing 191 Amino acids. Adrenocortcotropic Hormone (ACTH) is a polypeptide consisting of 39 Amino acids. Hormone of thyroid gland needs 115 tyrosines a kind amino acid for synthesizing Thyroxin hormone.

Our body cells produce 65 thousands types of Enzymes. All enzymes are synthesized by Amino acid. Enzymes are catalyst of cellular chemical reaction. If one enzyme does not produce one biological reaction can not start & thus chain of reaction hamper into the cell & creates lot of diseases.
As well as body cell needs fixed & daily recommended vitamins & minerals. If any vitamin & mineral absent into the cell, cell can not execute one specific biological function & thus starts lot of disease   gradually.
Stem cells are also specialized body cells. These remain inactive unless body needs it for repairing in illness & injury. Stem cells travel to different damage organ & become cells of that organ to repair them. It’s like a brick in a house. We need brick for foundation, repair & rebuilding. As like as body Stem cells do the same thing. Stem cells do not kill anything or cure anything.

New scientific research has discovered that plant stem cells regenerate the body stem cells. Microscopic analysis has shown that plant stem cells & human stem cells comprises of same biological component. For that reason human body cells survive, alive, heal by phyto chemical .Without plant chemical body cells can not survive not a single moment. Our cells get nutrition from plants. If the foods don’t contain sufficient nutrient it will detect partial Toxin foods for body. If the foods don’t contain any nutrient it will detect Full Toxin for body. If body cells get more toxin it will become sick & attack acute to chronicle disease. It may be attacked Heart, Kidney.Liver, Lung, and Brain, Skin or any part of the body.

After expressing disease symptom we take conventional drug for treating disease. Drug is a single synthetic molecule which does not participate in cellular biological life. How does drug activate in to the body? Simply it inhibits or enhances of some protein action in to the body. Thus controls the biological mechanism of cells, relief the symptoms of disease persons.

How does pain killing drug (paracetamol, aspirine, diclofenac, pthadine, morphine etc.) relief the pain? What science says about the pain? Pain is crying of cells. When cells get infection or injury, they release specific enzyme (cox2) from the cell body. This enzyme bind with specific receptor on the blood & blood carry the enzyme in to the brain, pain sensation area of brain feeling pain. Cox2 begins prostaglandin synthesis which starts pain.Paracetamol, Diclofenac like drugs inhibit cox2 & thus stops prostaglandin synthesis & controls pain. Some other drugs like pathedine, Morphine, codeine inhibit neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) between the neuron cells of brain & spinal cord. & thus stops impulse one neuron cells to another neuron cells.

But why cells become sick? Injury or Infection occurs deficiency of cellular nutrition. Cells repair the infection & damage by proper nutrition supply & oxygen. Stem cells are the key mechanic for doing this job.

Thus all the illness recover & repair rejuvenate the body itself by providing natural law & natural elements. Only 10 to 12 elements like Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Copper are the chief elements for composing all over the Universe. Electrons of the element share the other element compose the new molecules & matters. This depends on electrons distribution capacity of Elements.

Scientist of Miblle Bio chemistry, Switzerland have discovered some bio molecule in to the Wttwiller Spatlauber a rare species of Apple. Scientist has observed this Apple can keep fresh up to four month after pick up from the tree. This Apple can heal any wound rapidly. Whoever uses this Apple always looks like young & healthy. Scientists have isolated the stem cell by applying Stem cell technology from the Apple. The culture of stem cell in lab & produce new stem cell Apple named Malustica Domesticus. They also isolate Grapes stem cell a rare species of Grapes.

Double stem cell comprises of 4 fruits;
(1) Apple stem cell from Wttwiller Spatlauber Apple. (2) Grapes stem cell a rare species of Grapes from Burgundy,Characterized by extremely high content of polyphenols for UV protection. (3) Acai extract.  (4) Blue Berry dust.

All the fruits contain high level of phytochamicles & bio molecules which stimulates Stem cell of the body. .1% double stem cell can stimulate 80% human body stem cell. Double stem cell are in micro powder from followed by Encapsulated Technology . This technology is used for manufacturing some drugs like Angised, Inhaler. This technological natural products & drugs can enter into the blood directly. For this cause Double Stem Cell begins action rapidly as like as drug.

Nature is life , life is nature . We live on plant food directly & indirectly from animal food. Animals also live on plant food. Only plant food can be the best source for human food. If plant food can not serve the required nutrition we become sick. For healing sickness we use conventional synthetic drugs. Drugs can not treat the diseases, just to relief the symptoms. Second damage also happens into the body.

If we use natural food properly, we don’t need drug .If we need drug proper natural food management can help fully withdraw or partial reduction of drug.

When we eat any food, our alimentary track break down all kinds of food & dissociate phytochamicles from the food. Remember our body will receive only phytochamicles for cell’s biological functions.

Double stem cell is completely phytochamicles which sets under the lingual. Phytochamicles enter into the blood rapidly & stimulate the stem cell regeneration & supply the required phyto nutrient into the cell. If body cells are healthy, you are healthy, if cells become ill, you are sick, if body cells are dead, you are dead.

How body does fight & protect against cancer by using Phyto;
Immune cells have ability to destroy the cancerous cell of the body. Why body is attacked by Cancer. Simple answer is deficiency of proper Phytochamicales. B-cell & T-cell (specific immune cells directly destroy cancer cells) produce some protein which engulf & destroy the cancer cells. All proteins are comprised of Amino acid. Spirulina ( Sea algae) can be the chief fighter against cancer. Because Spirulina contains bulk amount of Amino acid.

What is the conventional treatment of Cancer? Only 3 procedures are applied for removing cancer cells;

Surgical removal:  
Surgeon removes the cancerous cell by Surgery. Surgeon removes maximum area then real effected area for confirming removal of cancer. Two things happen. 1) Deformation of organ 2) Deficiency of organ function. Though cancer cell will removed, organ dysfunction will continue till the death. If cancer cell is metastasized, cancers will recur after surgery. Surgical procedure can not be successful method for cancer treatment. After operation stem cells rebuild the area. If stem cells do not the job perfectly, operated area will not heal properly. Even a single cancer cell survives in the area cancer recurrence will occur again.

Chemotherapy is a protocol of groups of Chemical drug. Protocol is established by applying of Chemical drugs to the cancer body. Protocol is fixed by Chemotherapist how many body cells will be killed by Protocol. Generally 2 to 3 trillion cells are targeted for killing.  Its main target to kill cancer cells.  But Chemotherapy protocol not only destroys cancer cells. Also kills the body’s healthy cells. After expose of Chemo rapid proliferating cells like Hair follicle, Bone Marrow tissue, Intestinal cells die rapidly. So Alopecia Blood reduction & intestinal bleeding can be happened. Chemotherapy drugs mainly attack DNA of cell. If DNA of cells damage cell can not survive. Causes of cancer are damaged of DNA. Chemotherapy also kills DNA of cell. So chemotherapy is also the causes of cancer. Why many people survive after chemo. Because stem cell regenerates & full fill the damage area. If stem cell does not the job properly, chemotherapy can not bring any success for patient. Stem cell also is killed by chemo drug. So chemotherapy may not be the good option for cancer patient.

Radio therapy:
Radio active matter which generates radiation a power full ray exposes on cancer cells. High speed ray (gamma ray) destroys the DNA of cell. So gamma ray destroys not only cancer cells at the same time it kills the surroundings normal cells. In this case stem cell can replace the damage cells.

DNA is a molecule which contains genetically character of the species & encodes protein synthesis formula. A cell contains 3 billion pair DNA. Specific DNA is responsible for specific function of cell. If DNA damage occurs any genetically deform occurs & protein can not be synthesized as a result birth fault happens. DNA also is copying & regenerating continuously.

So conventional approach for cancer remedies can not be only solution for patient. For successful recovery of cancer stem cell nutrition therapy must be needed.

Diabetes is a kind of disease which creates other diseases. It himself is not a diseases. Diabetes is totally a disease of Glucose metabolism disorder. Glucose is a Phytochemical which is synthesized by all plants. All plants synthesis Glucose by using Sunlight, Carbon-di-oxide & water. Plants also synthesis Amino acid, Fatty acid, Vitamins. Mineral comes from Earth & stores into the plant body.

When we eat food, our GI track breaks down it into simple molecular food. Protein food breaks down into simple food Amino acid. Carbohydrate breaks down into Glucose. Fat breaks down into Fatty acid.

Glucose, Amino acid, Fatty acid enter into the blood from GI track. Blood vessels from GI track carry the nutrient to the liver. Liver does the management of Glucose in the following way;
(1) 30 to 35 grams keep in the blood. 70mg/dl to 1oomg/dl  normal glucose level in the blood.
(2)  Approx. 200 grams glucose store into the liver.
(3)   Approx. 400 grams glucose store into the muscle.
(4) Rest of the glucose stores as fat into the hip & belly. Each 9.3 unused calorie convert into 1 gram fat.
N.B: 65 to 70 kg weight body needs 250grams to 300grams carbohydrate daily.   
           Approx. required glucose is 180 grams.
We consume more carbohydrate then requirement. So unused glucose converts into fat regularly. As a result obesity happens.

Every management of glucose body needs Insulin a kind of protein is produced by beta cells of the pancreas. Without Insulin glucose can not be used into the body.
Blood glucose enters into the cell with the help of Insulin. After entering glucose into the cell, cell starts biological function & produce energy, water & carbon-di-oxide. Carbon-di-oxide inhales through the lung. Water adds into the blood. ATP (chemical energy) is used in the whole cellular function. If glucose does not enter into the cell, cell can not produce energy. As a result cell dies. Gradually organs of the body can not function properly & becomes sick. Unused glucose is flooded in the blood & blood density & thickness altar. As a result blood can not pass through the capillary properly. For that reason extreme part of the body deprive from oxygen & Phytochemical. When glucose is not used properly body cell uses fat as alternative source of energy.  Body breaks down store fat & is flooded over in the blood. Excess fats deposit into the blood vessels & thus create plaque. Deposition of fats into blood, vessel becomes narrow as a result blood can not flow easily. For that reason Hypertension occurs. Hypertension weak the heart & rupture the capillary. Kidney damages gradually. Stroke & Heart attack can happen any time. Insulin a kind of protein comprises of 51 amino acids & a zinc molecule. Beta cells know the formula how to synthesis Insulin.

Why beta cells stop the insulin synthesis. Scientists have discovered the probable causes.

(1) Deficiency of Phytochemicals.

(2) Degeneration of beta cells.
Why degeneration occurs. excess consume of glucose long time. Excess Insulin is used for maintaining excess glucose. After certain time beta cells can not able to produce required Insulin. Thus deficiency of Insulin appears diabetes. If Insulin production capacity totally fails, diabetic patient is designated as Diabetic type-1.Only external Insulin (Drug) can be the solution.
(3) Genetically disorder of beta cell.
 Some Virus, Bacteria, radiation, chemotherapy & steroid drug cause for DNA damage of beta cells. Specific gene of Beta Cells which is responsible for producing Insulin. Gene is a genetically code for specific protein & specific character of species. Every life of the Earth (plant & animal) expresses their character by specific DNA.  When DNA altar, mutate, damage occur, species characters & biological functions must be changed. Sometimes alteration of DNA may be caused for death of species. Cancer also is the cause of DNA damage.  DNA (Deoxy ribo nucleic acid) a bio molecule which is made by many Nucleotide, another bio molecule. Each Nucleotide is made by 3 bio molecules. (1) Ribose sugar (2) Purin or Pyridine (a protein molecule) (3) Phosphoric acid.

All the bio molecules comprise of some Natural Elements mainly Oxygen (O), Hydrogen (H), and Carbon (C) & Nitrogen (N).Example; Glucose (C6H12O6), Amino acid (Isoleucine, C6H13NO2, Leucine, C6H13NO2,. Lysine, C6H14N2O2) etc. Fatty acid (general formula CnH2n+1COOH,)

 How diabetes can be treated by naturally;
Simple avoiding DNA damaging agents, Glucose management & cell nutrition are key point for treating diabetes. Scientists have found the evidence that Beta cell can regenerate. Stem cell of beta cell can replace & repair the sick beta cells. So stem cell nutrition therapy can be the way for treating diabetes.

Have any solution in conventional drugs for treating diabetes. Complete answer is no. Some Allopathic drugs have ability for controlling diabetes. How drugs control the diabetes, if we understand the Mode of Action of drug, we sure we do not use drug for diabetes management if it is not needed. Drugs inhibit glucose absorption, inhibition & stimulation of active beta cells. External Insulin therapy   can be the only solution for diabetic type-1.

Some drugs (Glimepride, Gliclazide) just to stimulate active beta cells for secreting more Insulin. Another type of drug (Metformin) inhibits glucose break down into the liver & muscle, decrease intestinal absorption of Glucose & improves peripheral glucose uptake. Some types of drug (Piogletazone) act on cell receptor (PPAR-gamma). PPAR- gamma adjusts the insulin   to responsive gene in the control of Glucose & lipid metabolism. Above available popular used drugs in the world only can give management, not to give Diabetic Solution. Only Natural medication can give the Maximum possible solution. Our body can do it without drug management, if the diabetic patient can be taken the command for restoration of his own Biological rule.
Our Body systems (body cells executes million of functions per second) are conducted by natural law. If body can not adopt natural law body expresses symptoms. This symptom is called diseases. So disease is imbalance of natural law, healing is restoration natural law.

Drug, doctor & other medications are just to help restoration of natural law. When drug is needed permanently it seems body cells totally unable to restoration of natural biological law. That means unable to replace new Stem Cells instead of damage cells of the effected organ. Thus the body disease can be removed until the Stem Cells stop the regeneration.

How body fight against toxin;
Our immune cells ( nutrophil, eosinophil, Basophil  B-cell, T-cell, Macrophase, Natural killer cell, ) are main fighter against all toxins. Immune cells can identify, engulf & destroy all the Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, and Cancer with all other foreign matter. Thus body keeps free from infectious disease. Everyday 50 to 70 billion cells die naturally.  Two million red bloods die per second. How body recovers the lost cells. Stem Cell regenerations fulfill the daily lost cell. Partial regeneration of stem cell causes unhealthy life.

When infection happen that means immune cells fail to protect the body from toxin. For treating infectious disease anti bacterial, antifungal, antiviral drugs are used in allopathic management. Chemotherapy is applied for cancer management.

In bacterial infection Antibiotic is used for killing of bacteria. Antibiotic kills the beneficial & pathogenic both the bacteria. Beneficial bacteria keep the body protection from pathogenic bacteria. Beneficial bacteria produce some Vitamins.  All the pathogenic bacteria are engulfed & destroy by Immune cells. Bone marrow tissue produces Stem cell continually.  Stem Cell differentiates into many Immune Cells. If we boost up stem cell regeneration, Immune Cells is produced & harmful bacteria will remove automatically. 
If Immune system does not improve, antibiotic can not protect the body from infection. Rather use of antibiotic again & again causes cell damage.

How Antibiotic kills bacteria. Some antibiotic rupture the bacterial cell wall. Some antibiotic damages the bacterial DNA & RNA. Antibiotic & bacterial dead body both are secondary toxin for cell. So Immune system unable to removes the toxin matter from body, secondary damage will occur. Stem Cell Nutrition Therapy can give the solution the body from all types of Toxin.

How is renal disease treated by Stem cell Nutrition? 
Renal disease one of sever threat of modern society. Our kidneys are the main excretory organ of the body. 80% of total body waste matter excretes through the kidney. Protein & Fat metabolized products are strong acid. Sulpheuric acid & Phosphoric  acid are metabolized products of protein. Acetoacetic acid, Beta-hydroxybutyric acid & Acetone are metabolized products of Fat. All are strong acids & excretes through the kidney. Both kidneys consist of 20 million Nefrons.

Nefron consists of two parts Glumerulus & Tubles. Glumerulus looks like funnel & contains a tuft of capillary. Blood flows through the capillary & filtrates unwanted matter from the blood. But strong acids can burn the capillary & mainly damage Glumerulus. So blood can not filtrate & waste matter returns back to the blood circulation. Thus body becomes imbalance & causes death.

Excess Protein & Fat containing food causes kidney diseases & vascular diseases of the body. Everyday 180 liter blood enters into the nefrons & produces 1& half liter Urine. 

At age 40 years .8 percent kidney will be damage every year. At age 70 years, 30 percent kidney damage will be happened. This is natural damaging rate of kidney.

Diabetes, High blood pressure & pain killer drugs are also the prime causes of Kidney damage. Every cause can damage the capillary of the body & at the same time damages nefrons.

Sometimes Antibody+antigen complex causes kidney damage. Antibody is a type protein produced by B-cell. Antigen is also a type of non body protein .Antibody detects antigen as foreign matter & engulf, destroy them & keeps the body free from danger. After invading & killing antigen Antibody calm down & goes to rest. But sometimes Antibody attacks its own cell & creates inflammation. This disease is called autoimmune disease. Why antibody attacks its own cells. Some cells produce abnormal protein due to damage of DNA. Antibody detects the abnormal protein as Antigen & attacks them for killing & inflammation occurs.

Stem cell Nutrition Therapy can repair, replace the damage cell & can cure at early stage of any disease.

Diabetic patient produces Strong acids, which cause kidney damage. High blood pressure cause capillary damage of the body. & glumerulus. Pain killer drugs inhibit Glumerulus function by blocking cox-1 enzyme. Cox-1 enzyme is a physiological enzyme for all body function. Cox -2 develops when body is inflamed. Maximum pain killing drugs inhibit both the enzyme. Some drugs increase glumerular filtration rate, some decrease. Both drugs are harmful for human health.

There is no renal failure treatment in conventional drug management. Only two procedures are taken for renal failure management. One is Dialysis & another is Kidney Transplant.

Dialysis is an artificial kidney machine by which body blood transmit into the machine & back to the body in another line. Machine filters the waste matter but can not balance the whole body systems. Patient can survive by management of Dialysis.

Dialysis can not be the alternative of kidney function. Dialysis filters some waste matter, but can not the balance of the whole body component. Kidney filters, reabsorbs & excretes body fluids & unwanted matter & maintain homeostasis condition.

Terminal stage of kidney patient must be needed kidney dialysis.

Kidney Transplant:
Kidney transplant is another disease management. One healthy kidney is set up into the other kidney failure patient. Its success rate is not remarkable & expensive management.

How Phytochemicales can act on renal failure patients:
Phytochemicales stimulate the stem cells of kidney. Stem cell regenerate, rebuild & replace of damage cells.  At the same time Medicinal Food Management will help the pH balance of body. Kidney balances the pH of body. pH (Hydrogen concentration ) determinates acidity & alkalinity of the body. Excess acidity or alkalinity can cause of death of patient.

Excess protein & fat food produce Acid & most harmful for kidney patient. Protein & Fat metabolized product excrete only by the kidney. Vegetables & Fruits produce Alkaline. Alkaline neutralized the acid & acid neutralized the alkaline. 

 Carbohydrate metabolized product excrete out by the lung. Plant food management, Herbal medicine & Medicinal food can be the perfect approach for patient’s health recovery. Some drugs can be used for kidney management not for health recovery.

Some Physician advises not for taking any fruits & vegetables because of excess potassium .Every Plants & Animals food contain more potassium then other minerals. There is no scientific reason for this advice.

Our body needs 4 gm potassium everyday. Potassium imbalance one of the main complains of kidney patient. Potassium is the main mineral within the cell. In adult body contains 200 gm potassium. It is main positive ion within the cells. It maintains pH balance within the cells & maintains water balance within cell. If potassium out of the body or store into the body, cell’s life will die instantly thus cause death of organ as a result death of body. Potassium imbalance first attacks to the Heart function & Cardiac arrest may be happened. Only kidney maintains potassium balances into the body. Gradually all cellular function will be attacked for this imbalance.

We should serve the body by proper food balance not stopping any particular food. Why should we take more plant food then animal food? Plant food easily converts into simple food that means phytochemicale. Animal food does not convert easily into phytochemicales. Ultimately easiest getting of phytochemicles can be solution of any Health related problem. Our cells receive only Phytochemilaes nothing else.

Stem Cell Nutrition Therapy can be the tremendous solution for Kidney patient.

